Sunday, January 24, 2010

New Goals

WOW... I have not been doing any of my goals! I defiantly have not been writing every day.. or crafting. BUT I have been making something new (and healthy) for dinner onceish a week.. so that is a plus. I do have to confess though.. I have been spending my time (that I should be blogging) on a website called sparkpeople. About a week ago I decided to put my words into action and get in shape. I know Im not way over weight.. but I dont feel completely comfortable in my own skin like I used to. SO I joined sparkpeople and have set my goal to do cardo 3x/week and eating less junk and healthier foods!

If you dont know what sparkpeople is ... it is a website (community) that allows you to track you calorie intake and the calories you burn while working out. It is kind of like facebook but with with everyone having the same goals.. You have a wall that people can write on, groups you can join and friends you can request! So far no weight loss but I have met some pretty cool people that live right in Madison! i have also recruited my mom and maybe my sister! Hopefully I keep on the track I have set for myself!!

If you want to check it out... ... my name is Kristyrose2... add me as a friend! :)

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Surprise Surprise...


after getting back to Madison from Christmas break ... we got a little surprise.... :/
My boyfriend and I had gone home over Christmas break for about two weeks. It was so much fun getting to spend time with family and friends!! The morning before we were going to be leaving to go back to Madison I got a call from the Madison police dpt. Apparently someone had broken into three apts. in my building ... all on my floor... and yes mine was one of them. Whoever this person was ( probably a homeless person) was living in the guys apt who lives across the hall from us for who knows how long. This intruder broke our door... took most of our food... took all our alcohol and beer... and backing good! WTF!!! Show some respect for people who work and go to school full time... we don't have the time or money to deal with this.

Anyways we got home and the place was a MESS (the worst thing was we cleaned just before we left). And on top of all that I had to get ready for work at 9am and leave my bf to deal with everything. :( I told him that he could wait until I got home around 1 to clean the apt. Well to my surprise he has everything picked up and spotless WITH candles burning for me when I walked in the door. Needless to say it was very hard going to sleep that first night ... but things are getting easier and we both are not as tense!

I know when my faith in humanity is is His way of telling me to take a step back and love everything He has given me........ My soul finds rest in God alone: My salvation comes from Him. -Psalms 62:1

Monday, January 4, 2010


Hello to whomever might be reading this! :)

My name is Kristy
I'm 23 years old
loving living in Madison with my boyfriend
taking a semester off to work

Goals for the next 6 months-

-write everyday no matter how uneventful it may be
-cook something different at least once a week
-work on my skills at throwing on the wheel
- get my craft on via